A Reasonable Guide for Ahri, The Nine Tailed Fox

VicLeague on December 14, 2017

the Nine-Tailed Fox
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안녕하세요! (or Hi if you prefer) Today I am here to ramble a bit about Ahri, the nine tailed fox. And well..the reason this isn't a From Zero to Hero guide is simple; I haven't played Ahri in so long! But I did made it to Diamond Tier twice (Season 3 and Season 4) playing mostly Ahri, so I just wanted to share the knowledge I still have for her.

So, without further ado, let us get started!


Table Of Contents

  • Why Ahri?
  • Summoner Spells
  • Abilities
  • Runes
  • Good Resources for Learning Ahri
  • Itemization

Why Ahri?

Why Ahri?You may ask me.

Well, Ahri is arguably one of the most versatile characters in League, you can play her as an assassin and quickly assassinate the enemy AD Carry, or you can choose to play her as a Control Mage and help your team on sieges pushing the minion waves and poking your enemies with Orb Of Deception.

In summary, mastering Ahri allows you to have a better understanding of these two play styles and makes it easier for you to learn other similar champions due to that.

If you want to become a good Mid Laner, learning Ahri is certainly going to be helpful for you, so stick with me!


Summoner Spells

Though this is more of a personal option, I personally believe that picking Ignite over anything else is worth it, but that's because I absolutely prefer playing the role of an assassin rather than a control mage, and Ignite, without a doubt, fits this play style really well.


Abilities and How to Use Them