Hello everyone! There is an old Korean saying "A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step", this saying has absolutely nothing to do with today's champion, I just wanted to drop it down here because I think it is a cool saying.
But anyways, the Season 8 is already here and the meta-game is starting to settle. Of course we can't tell for sure which champions are going to be god tier at the moment, however if you want to change your main role in this year, the begging of the Season is a great moment to do so.
Graves is a great start, and I will tell you why in the next section.
For the second Build, I am still trying it out to see if it's always safe or no, as I am not having the time to play these days I'd not fully recommend it. But the idea is to combo Duskblade of Drakthaar damage with Statik Shiv and Deadman's Plate
Chapter 1: Why Graves?
High Damage:
When it comes to ranged champions Graves has one of higher base-damage in the game, you can almost play the role of an assassin depending on the game aspects. If you are strong enough, you can change the result of an entire Team Fight by just landing a good End of The Line[Q] + Collateral Damage[R]. Plus he has a huge survivability due to the armor you gain each time you use Quick Draw [E] Back then, Quick Draw used to grant Magic Resist as well, but this has been nerfed.
Fast Clear:
Graves has one of the fastest clears in the game, and due to your ability to 'Kite' the jungle monsters pretty well, you barely take any damage. Meaning that you could Full clear your side of the jungle and still put up a gank. After a full clear you will be nearly level 4.
Graves' ability to clear the jungle camps really quickly, also allows you to invade the enemy side of the jungle and depending on the situation, you can take up to 3 camps really quickly and leave.
Check out Tarzaned's video explaining how you can full-clear the jungle without barely taking any damage:
I will be using a lot of Tarzaned's videos throughout the course of this guide in order to explain and showcase some concepts for you, so read on!