[ Season 8 Updated ] From Zero to Hero: Mid Kassadin

VicLeague on November 19, 2017

the Void Walker
  • TIPS
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Ok, so this is the second guide of the series "From Zero to Hero" where I in-depth talk about the champions I used to climb all the way to Diamond tier thrice. In this guide I will talk about Kassadin and teach you all you should know to be able to play him in an avanced level.

Feel free to ask me any questions and give me any suggestions that you have.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the guide!


Table of Contents

  • Summoner Spells
  • Abilities
  • Runes
  • Combos
  • Itemization
  • Tips And Tricks

Chapter 1 : Summoner Spells

This is completely your preference, but if you are very indecisive I will give you a situation where you should pick Teleport and a situation where you should take Ignite.

Let's say that you are in a match up that you have advantage and you are really confident that if you snowball you will be able to win the game; In this kind of situation you should definitely pick Ignite over Teleport, it will help you win the lane and snowball pretty hard.

Now, on the other hand, let's say that you are in a really tough match up and you will be pressured in lane a lot until some point; Well, in that situation you should definitely pick teleport, so that you will be able to be safe in lane and still not lose a lot of experience.

But we'll go to the next topic!


Chapter 2: Abilities