[ Season 8 Updated ] From Zero to Hero: Support Karma

VicLeague on November 19, 2017

the Enlightened One
  • TIPS
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Hello again my fellow readers! This is the third guide of this From Zero to Hero series and I if you think I am only picking champions that are not very mechanically demanding...well you are right! The reason for that is in Solo Queue at least, if you don't need to focus on learning difficult mechanics you can focus more on the macro plays and macro plays are what win you a game.

Now, for this one guide, I will try to deeply talk about Karma and what you should be doing to play her decently as a support.

I hope you enjoy and as always feel free to ask me any questions you have or give me any suggestions to improve the guide.

I love playing support, but as I am not a support main I really encourage you guys to help me improve this guide, thank you!


Table Of Contents

  • Summoner Spells
  • Abilities
  • Runes
  • Warding
  • Itemization
  • Tips And Tricks

Chapter 1: Summoner Spells

Although I recommend always taking ignite as Karma, this is still completely your preference, but if you are very indecisive I will give you a situation where you should pick Exhaust and a situation where you should take Ignite.

Let's say that your bot lane is Ezreal and Karma versus Caitlyn and Soraka, well in that case you always want to take Ignite because first, this is a favorable match up for you, second ignite cuts half of the healing effectiveness so really try to use this in you favor

Now, on the other hand, let's say that your bot lane is Vayne and Karma; due to Vayne's weak early game it will be hard to actually pressure the enemy bot lane, especially if they have a strong duo (e.g. Sona and Lucian) plus you have to deal with an assassin mid laner and jungler, well in that case it makes a lot more sense taking Exhaust instead, just try to use it when the enemy is about to engage a fight to mitigate the damage from their combo.


Chapter 2 :Abilities