Akali is arguably one of the best assassins in League Of Legends and unlike many other assassins she is not a high-risk high-reward champion, if you play it right, you can snowball as much as the other assassins in a much safer way. Also, she is pretty easy to learn as you do not have any skill shots to land nor difficult mechanics.
Further, I have played a lot of Akali on this Preseason and my impression so far is: AKALI IS BUSTED! She was decent and very playable before, but with the recent changes on the meta due to the new runes and items introduced, she feels much stronger.
I managed to perform a 10-0 on the placements in a smurf account playing only Akali. This account goes by the name Akali Abuser on the BR server and I am currently trying to climb even more.
In this guide I will cover everything you need to know in order to play Akali in an advanced level. I hope you enjoy the guide and feel free to ask me any questions you have!
Table of Contents
- Summoner Spells
- Abilities
- Runes
- Builds
- Tips and Tricks
Chapter 1: Summoner Spells
If you are playing Top Lane I strongly recommend you to always take Teleport over Ignite. As Akali is an assassin she naturally has less HP than other top lane champions do, thus you are very vulnerable to ganks and if you don't have the teleport after getting ganked or dying, you are in a big trouble my friend!
Plus you can teleport around the map to get some free kills or follow up the enemy teleport.
Now, on the other hand, we have Ignite! If you are a confident player and you know you will win the match up, why not take Ignite? Although it is risky you might snowball to a point where the enemy will not be able to come back into the game for a long time!
Now let's hop onto the next topic and learn a little bit about the abilities!