There are times when income is very low when compared to the recurrent expenses. This case is far worse in self employed professionals with no fixed income.
How do you cope up with such situations?
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Financial Crisis becomes real severe during times of emergency expenses that need to be incurred. These are the times when the rhythm and flow of life gets disturbed.
I save money every now and then and with every new saving I get a feeling of immense contentment . But the hard fact is I also get really depressed when I have to use my savings so as to cope up with the expenses. This really troubles me a lot.
Well you aren't alone my friend. I am pretty sure a lot of people out there have experienced these things too just like us. The only key for us is to get out of the zone where we continue to struggle. I mean, if we know that what we earn would just be enough for a few savings and expenses, we must do something about it. Sell something on the side, get out there and leave your comfort zone. Try new things. Remember that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, and I do believe you are a strong person. Keep on pushing and do whatever it takes to get out of that zone. Wish you all the best.
Note, another way to save money is by using coupons whenever you get the chance. In the US, they're easily available offline and online.