Tue, 03/21/2017 - 03:55
How exactly do you track the enemy jungler?
As an ADC main, this gets me killed more often than I would like to admit. I'll think the enemy jungler is top and try to put a little extra pressure on the enemy ADC, then all of a sudden their jungler appears and I'm dead. I'm pretty good about buying control wards as often as possible and keeping tri and river brush warded, but I can never seem to figure out where their jungler is unless he walks over a ward. Meanwhile, I'll be playing with my plat friends and they'll be like "Careful, Lee Sin will be coming from river in 30 seconds" and they're pretty much always right, even if we barely have any wards on the map.
I won't be able to figure that out unless our jungler would walk through the enemy jungle. At least I would have an idea where the enemy jungler would likely go if the bottom part of their jungle just had their camps gone. Aside from that I would just rely on wards. But I also have a hard time figuring that out even if I do put wards.
That seems a little strange to be that good at predicting when they are going to come, but some people just seem to have that ability. I am like you though where I can hardly even tell.
It's hard to track the jungler as an ADC, that should be the support's role. If you really want to know his position, first find out where he started (at blue or red) then mimmick his movement with your jungler's, that way you can approximately tell where he could be. Also, always look at the minimap.